The factors which can influence what teenagers eat can be divided into three groups. They are personal,
interpersonal and societal influences.
interpersonal and societal influences.
Personal influences are things you do that influence your own food choices such as waking up too late
to make your own breakfast.
to make your own breakfast.
Interpersonal is the people, places and things in your life that are close to you that influence food
choices. For example, your family/whanau and friends can all have an interpersonal influence on what
you eat.
choices. For example, your family/whanau and friends can all have an interpersonal influence on what
you eat.
Society influences what you eat because of things you see in your wider community like, advertising,
shops and online.
shops and online.
There are some really simple classification models that can help structure the quantities and types of
foods that you eat. These will provide nutritious, balanced meals and by following these guides the
negative influences on what you choose to eat should decrease.
foods that you eat. These will provide nutritious, balanced meals and by following these guides the
negative influences on what you choose to eat should decrease.